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Get Started

The SKOOT API is based on REST principles. It uses standard HTTP response codes and verbs, and token-based authentication.

To get started you need to create a SKOOT Account, enter a card, and generate an API Token. You can do this by going to the SKOOT Dashboard and creating an account.

Request, response format

You should use a Content-Type: application/json header with all GET and POST requests, except when dealing with token authentication. Responses return JSON with a consistent structure.

Token authentication

curl -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer key_...'

The SKOOT API uses token-based authentication. API tokens must be included in the header of all requests made to the API.

You can generate new tokens in your SKOOT Dashboard.

API tokens

You can use API tokens to authenticate any API action described in this documentation.

If you need to revoke an API Token please email [email protected], we are extending this functionality to your SKOOT Dashboard shortly.

Rate limits

Default Limits

Limits are per API Key, we will be extending the ability within your dashboard to set and customise these tokens per key. If you need your limits adjusted before then please email [email protected].

Core Concepts


A forest is part of a users profile is connected to one or more email addresses and has a unique identifier.

Every Certified Tree and Verified Offset has a primary forest it is attributed too, they may also have another forest attributed as well.


A Tree or Verified Offset can also be attributed to another user who has been involved in planting the tree or purchasing the Verified Offset. We call this a secondary forest in the API.

A Source Label is appended to every Tree or Verified Offset which attributes the method in which this transaction occurred. A request needs to be made to SKOOT ([email protected]) to have a Third Party Source Label attribution.

Trees & Climate Projects




curl -X POST \
 -H 'Accept: application/' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -H 'Authorization: demo-account' \
 --data '{
   "forest_id": "60b54be25587df7c46d38465",
   "type": "tree",
   "quantity": "1"
Attributes Description
forest_id string
If this is left blank it will plant in the default forest, if you provide forest_id it will plant in that forest.
type string
tree is the value used to plant a tree. This amount purchased is dictated by the quantity.
quantity integer
tree: (1-100) Trees can be purchased at once.

Climate Projects

 curl -X POST \
 -H 'Accept: application/' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -H 'Authorization: demo-account' \
 --data '{
   "forest_id": "60b54be25587df7c46d38465",
   "type": "offset",
   "quantity": "1000"
Attributes Description
forest_id string
If this is left blank it will plant in the default forest, if you provide forest_id it allocate offset in that forest.
type string
offset is the value used to allocate Verified Carbon Offset from Climate projects. The amount purchased is dictated by the quantity.
quantity integer
offset: (1-10000) Grams of Carbon Offset Alsocan be purchased at once.


Certified Tree Cost

Certified Tree £0.50

Verified Carbon Offset via Climate Projects

1 tonne of Carbon Offset £15.00